Affordable Work Spaces. Yes, They Exist!

As a one-man startup, it has always been a trial finding the perfect, conducive space to work efficiently at a cost that would not break the bank. In fact, I would say this contributed largely to my inability to fully set up for two whole years. Working from home was also quite impossible as I live in a small, congested one-bedroom apartment with two of my younger siblings. The distractions calling for my attention daily were endless.

On one such day while scrolling through Instagram, I chanced upon a flyer advertising affordable, work spaces at a reputable institution known as The Skills Hub. To be honest, I was initially skeptical about making enquiries to book their space. I was so convinced that the colourful working space advertised on the flyer would surely cost an arm and a leg. Imagine my surprise when I found out that the Shared Workstation which I opted for only cost 65gh a day. As stunned as I was, I did not hesitate to book their Shared WorkStation for a month. This was the cheapest price I had come across and I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity.

Bright and early the following Monday, I made my way to the Skills Hub by YOTA on the La Bawaleshie Road at American House-East Legon. I cannot fully describe the excitement that was coursing through my body at the thought of being able to finally resume work. This feeling, however, could not compare to my sheer pleasure of walking into the hub. It was a clean, quiet, air-conditioned space with accommodating front desk personnels who received me and showed me to my workstation. The colourful decor of the Skills Hub stimulated my creative senses and I must say, I have never had my creative juices flow so effortlessly before.

It also boasted of a Copy Center where I could conveniently do photocopies and binding without the hassle of exiting the hub to search for one under the blazing Ghanaian sun. After some hours of productivity thanks to the Skills hub free, high-speed WiFi, I began to feel the pangs of hunger. Convenience must the hub’s hallmark because I was shown to a kitchenette, furnished with dishes, mugs, flatware and other necessities. I also had a microwave oven at my disposal, where I heated up the lunch I packed from home. After assuaging my hunger, I took advantage of their library materials and skimmed through a novel to refresh my brain while relaxing in a comfortable lounge.

I must admit that my expectations for the Skills Hub by YOTA were largely surpassed. Right from the moment I walked in, I was hooked. I also commend the level of convenience they offer. when it was time to leave, I was hesitant. Needless to say, I will definitely be patronizing the hub for a long time to come.

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